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Stakeholders’ Workshop on NDS Implementation

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Panel 1: Experiences in Preparing NDS-Aligned Executive Plans/Corporate Strategies:

Presented Documents:​

Panel 2: Monitoring of QNV Goals & NDS Outcomes and Targets:

Presented Documents:

Panel 3: Ministry and Agency Experiences on Monitoring and Evaluation

Presented Documents:

NDS Management Information Reporting System

Presented Documents:

Panel 4: Challenges with Cross-Agency, Cross-Sector and National Processes and Projects:

Presented Documents:

Panel 5: Preparing and Implementing a Communication Strategy for the NDS:

Presented Documents:

Panel 6: Building Capacities and Striving for Institutional Excellence: A Major Milestone in the NDS

Presented Documents:



Understanding of roles and responsibilities of NDS implementation and their implications​

Understanding and agreement of what and how ministries and agencies have to report on in relation to NDS implementation, including for GSDP’s semi-annual monitoring reports to the SCDP

Understanding of best practices in programme and project management, especially in relation to the reporting of results

Agreement on the processes for collecting NDS monitoring information

Agreement on an NDS communications strategy

Report on status of implementation and way forward for the June meeting of the Supreme Committee for Development Planning