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Seminar on Scenario Planning

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GSDP in collaboration with Royal Dutch Shell held a seminar on Scenario Planning entitled "From Vision to Scenarios to Implementation" on 6 October 2009 at GSDP.  The seminar was organized by the Economic Development Department and was attended by 45 invited representatives from the government and public sector agencies.  Dr. Ibrahim Ibrahim, GSDP Secretary General , welcomed the participants and thanked Royal Dutch Shell for their important role in economic development in Qatar and their initiatives to contribute to Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS).

The objectives of the seminar were to:

  • understand how scenario thinking might be of practical use in framing development priorities and thinking about programs that could support the NDS.
  • listen to stakeholders and draw on their ideas about the issues that Qatar faces, and how these might be practically addressed; and
  • encourage knowledge sharing on relevant international experiences and to think about the implications of possible global developments on opportunities and challenges for Qatar.​​


To download presentation, click her​​e.​​​


The Seminar generated significant interest among the participants which was reflected in the discussions during and after the seminar. The scenario planning approach to strategy developed at Shell offers interesting parallels in methodology and thinking processes that can provide support in the preparation of Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS). The seminar presented a window of opportunity for GSDP and the NDS stakeholders to achieve the objectives of the seminar.​​