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Project Sizing Calculator

A key decision on any project is the extent to which project management methods should be applied.  The Project Sizing Calculator can guide your decision on the extent to which you should apply the QNPM Framework to your Project.

The Calculator is based on nine questions developed to determine project size and complexity in the public sector.  Note that there are many other factors to take into account, including the level of risk, technology requirements, number of stakeholders, and the skill level of the project team.


Complete all 9 questions, and then click on the button “Calculate Project Size.” The calculator will determine if you have a small, medium, or large project and recommend the extent to which you use the QNPM Framework.

After taking all factors into account, make a rational decision on the most suitable way to manage your project. However, if your project is cross-agency, whole-of-government, or involves more than one tier of government, seriously consider using the QNPM Framework to the fullest extent.

1. What is the size of the Project Team Full Time Equivalent (FTE)?
1- 2 people 3 - 5 people 5+ people
2. What is the project's elapsed time?
Less than 6 months 6 - 12 months Greater than 12 months
3. How much variation in the timeframe can be tolerated?
Schedule is flexible Schedule can undergo minor variations, but deadlines are firm Deadline is fixed and cannot be changed; schedule has no room for flexibility
4. How complex is the problem and/or solution? Is the solution difficult to achieve?
Problem is easily understood AND solution is readily achievable Problem is difficult to understand OR solution is difficult to achieve Problem is difficult to understand AND solution is difficult to achieve
5. What is the level of strategic importance?
Affects core Agency service delivery and/or directly relates to key initiatives in the Agency Strategic Plan Some direct business impact and/or relates to a low priority initiative in the Agency's Strategic Plan Internal interest only
6. What is the political importance?
Major political implications Some political implications No political implications to either proceeding or not proceeding
7. What is the total project cost?
Less than QR 70,000 QR 70,000 - QR 700,000 Greater than QR 700,000
8. What level of change will be implemented?
Impacts on whole-of-Agency, more than one Agency, whole-of-Government, or more than one tier of Government Impacts a number of business units Impacts a single business unit only
9. Are there any dependencies and/or inter-related projects?
No major dependencies and/or inter-related projects Some major dependencies and/or inter-related projects, but considered low risk Major high risk dependencies and/or inter-related projects




Please ensure that you have filled out all 9 questions before calculating the project size.

Calculated Result:

The project size is ...

Please Note: This tool is only a guide, and specific project requirements need to be taken into account that may cause you to over-ride the initial assessment arrived at using the Project Sizing Calculator.

This tool is adapted from the Government of Tasmania’s tool, which can be found at