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Release of the 20th Issue of “Window on Economic Statistics of Qatar”(Q1-2017)


The reference quarter of this issue is the first quarter of 2017(Q1 2017). All the latest available macro-economic indicators, relating to National Accounts, Prices, Public Finance, and the Balance of Payments have been assembled in a single report.
It is a very handy report and is meant to help diverse users, in particular, policy and decision makers.

This publication comprises three parts:
- Part 1 presents a dashboard comparing the economic performance of Qatar with other economies and regions, in terms of three indicators: (i) Real GDP annual growth rate, (ii) CPI (y-o-y) change and (iii) Current Account Balance as percentage of GDP, as well as data series (quarterly and annual) on some thirty economic indicators.
- Part 2 presents an analysis of the quarterly statistics relating to GDP, CPI, PPI, Exports and Imports and compares the performance in the first quarter of 2017 with that of the corresponding quarter of 2016 and, with that of the previous quarter (Q4 2016).

- Part 3 contains articles on specific topics. The title of the article presented in this issue is " Quarterly Estimates of Foreign Investments". The article addresses the intentions of the Department of Economic Statistics and National Accounts to conduct quarterly foreign investment surveys in the coming future. Data collected within these surveys will contribute to enhance the quality of statistics on balance of payments, international investment position and external debt, with quarterly periodicity and timeliness. In turn, this will support the State's efforts to join the IMF's "Special Data Dissemination Standard".

For more information click here

To view previous releases, please visit: the MDPS website.